Melissa Ann Goodwin

Melissa Ann Goodwin

Thursday, April 28, 2011

X is for Xenodocheionology

So probably like a lot of A to Z bloggers, I googled "words that begin with X" in order to do today's post. I scanned through the list and saw a number of words that had an association with yellow:

xanthopsia: a visual condition where things appear yellow
xanthous:   yellow or red-haired
xanthoderm:  yellow-skinned person
xanthodont: one with yellow teeth

Hmmm.. what's up with that? I guess "xantho" must mean yellow! I'm starting to understand where Chrys-xantho-mum got its name ... So already I've learned something new!

Anyway, further down I spotted XENODOCHEINOLOGY, which, as everyone knows, means "a love of hotels." Now that's more like it!

I LOVE hotels - nice ones anyway. One of my favorite things is to get a really good deal on a nice hotel room. Most recently, I got us a fabulous room on the 19th floor of Loew's in Quebec City - smooshy king bed with a zillion pillows, huge flat screen TV, living area with a comfy couch, and a spectacular (did I mention 19th floor?) view of Jean D'Arc Park and the Plains of Abraham. I booked the room well in advance and got an internet special price of $150 a night.

When we checked in, the desk clerk smiled and said, "Do you know how much this room usually goes for?"
I said, "No! Tell me!"
He said, "$650 a night!"
I said, "Then I got a darn good deal, didn't I!"

Call me crazy, but call me a Xenodocheionologist!


  1. Cute! Wow, the hotel in Quebec City sounds fabulous, you can't beat that.

    I never knew about xantho but that's interesting! I'm learning a bunch of new words thanks to X posts. :D

  2. Oh my goodness.. an A-Z blog for April! What a great idea. And I learned something today... xenodocheionology! Now I just have to learn how to pronounce it and use it correctly in a sentence.

  3. Quebec City is our "Paris," there are many wonderful places to stay. Loew's is more modern, but it's well-situated and we've been happy there.

    Lark, I don't know how to pronounce xenodocheionology either!

  4. That is a darn good deal.

    I went to Quebec in 9th grade. I won't say how many years ago that was, but it was a lot. :-O

    X was one of the easiest letters for me. Weird, but true.

  5. Yep - it's me again the DH of the xenodochelonology-ist- I love Old Quebec City - I would love to live there - not in the winter tho!! We use to go Xcty skiiing in Feb and yikes was it ever cold. I could sit on a bench on the Plains of Abraham and be very very content for a long, long time! For lunch I would walk down to the Art Museum and eat at that lovely cafe'

  6. Anonymous4/28/2011

    Wow! that is one expensive hotel.

    Those are some wild X words, some I can't pronounce.

    You wrote on my post about crossroads that you're letting go of the "House" thing and buying an RV. That's certainly a major decision. And then to decide what piece of writing to work on...THAT is what's difficult for me too right now. I've found I can't work on more than one long work at a time; I tried once. So we both have a crossroad situation here. I'm wishing both of us luck as we struggle to decide which road to choose.
    Ann Best, Memoir Author

  7. never heard of that word! what a tongue twister:)
    Great meeting you through the A-Z :)


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