Throughout September, The Yoga Sanctuary is embracing the theme of Traveling the World of Yoga.
In our Monday Morning Meditation class, we are honoring that theme by exploring the Yamas, which are the yogic principles that guide our behaviors. This week, we will explore the third Yama, Asteya.
Asteya means non-stealing. So once again, there's a similarity to the Ten Commandments, where we are told, Thou Shalt Not Steal.
But just as with the first two yamas, non-harming (ahimsa) and honesty/truthfulness (satya), in yoga philosophy, we are asked to look beyond the obvious wisdom of not stealing other people's stuff, and to consider the many less obvious ways that we can "steal" from ourselves and others.
When viewed from this expanded perspective, the realm of what behavior constitutes stealing can be very eye-opening!
How might we steal from ourselves? Here are just a few ideas:
- When we worry excessively about the future or dwell too much on the past, we steal our own joy in the present
- Engaging in belittling or limiting thoughts about ourselves prevents us from actualizing our full potential
- Fixating on specific outcomes robs us of exploring possibilities that might be better!
- Being envious of others steals our happiness and harms our relationships
- A pattern of always being late steals other people's valuable time
- Hogging the conversation or constantly interrupting steals the other's person's voice, steals from the pleasure of engaging with you, and robs you of hearing other perspectives and ideas
- Taking credit for someone else's idea or work is...stealing from them
Melissa please send a zoom invite for this morning
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