Melissa Ann Goodwin

Melissa Ann Goodwin

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Fifth Yama: Aparigraha or Non-attachment

September is coming to a close, and so we wrap up our Yoga Month exploration of the Yamas in my Monday Morning Meditation class with the fifth yama, Aparigraha (a-par-ee-gra-ha), which means non-accumulation and non-attachment. Aparigraha is often described as freedom from materialism, greed, and possessiveness, as well as freedom from fixation on and attachment to particular outcomes.

When we flip this to an affirmative way of thinking, we talk about acceptance, generosity, openness, and equanimity. A key practice in support of this yama is the cultivation of 

In our Monday Morning Meditation class on September 20th, we'll be invited to reflect on this practice in our own lives. Class is 7:30 to 8:00am ET, online, and free.

I ask you to keep our beloved studio, owners Jennifer and Gary French, and all our teachers and students in your hearts and send them loving thoughts in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The first floor studio had damage from storm surge flooding, but repairs will be underway quickly. All classes will continue online, so make sure to sign up for the online class link. 

Link for class registration: The Yoga Sanctuary

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