Melissa Ann Goodwin

Melissa Ann Goodwin

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pictures from Memorial Day

Pop over to RVPainter's Blog for pictures from our wonderful Memorial Day at my sister Jessie's house. My brother-in-law Terry organized and coordinated the parade and all the ceremonies in their town of Princeton, MA, and he did an amazing job. It was everything you imagine Memorial Day to be and to represent. The house and barn in the pictures is Jess and Terry's house.

This morning I'm getting ready for my school visit with third graders in North Andover tomorrow. And, I'm working on some queries for article ideas I have. It's not raining, but has that sort of look and feel to it, so it's a good day for fiddle-farting around here at the campground.

Hope you have a great day and a wonderful week!


  1. I hope you had a good one. sandie

    1. It was a great one Sandie, Hope yours was too!

  2. Hey hun how have you been? Not been on your blog for a while. How is the trip? Fiddle-farting hehe, I've been doing a lot of that lately! :)

    1. Hey Anna! It's been a wild ride of lots of fun and some scary moments. But I think we are settling in now with less driving and longer stops. Have loved seeing and being with family. I'll try to stop over to your place soon too xo

  3. We recently returned from a trip to Colorado. Every time I pass an RV on the interstate I look to see if it's yours!

    1. We're way over here on the east coast, but that's so cute that you looked!

  4. When are you headed to the Cape? Are you looking to squeeze in more classroom visits?

    1. Hi Katie - the Cape isn't until Fall - mid September through 10/1. Seems a long way off right now, but time is flying by!

  5. I had a great time at my BIL's house yesterday. It sounds like you are having a great trip.

    1. Hi Inger! BIL's rock. We are having a wonderful time, filled with new sights and places, and time with loved ones. xo

  6. I hope you had a wonderful long weekend!


  7. Oops, missed this post - in fact, missed lots this week! Hope the school visits went well.


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