Recently, several bloggers I follow have wondered out loud about the future of their blogs, especially how to manage the time that engaging in the world of blogging takes. There was a sense of fatigue attached to the discussion - a feeling of having been worn down by it.
It made me think about how my own blog has evolved, and how glad I am that it has changed over time to be something that I enjoy, rather than something that I "should do because I'm a writer."
In fact, when I started this blog, it was a very secret place - just for ME really - like an online journal. It's another funny "sign" story actually:
I was finishing up yoga teacher training, and in order to complete my certification, I had to do "svadhyaya" - a self-study project. But I had no idea what to do. At the same time, I was struggling with the balance of yoga and writing in my life, which seemed to have swung toward more yoga and less toward writing. So one night before bed, I asked for a sign to help me know how to balance these two things I love, and oh-by-the-way, what should my self-study project be about? And that night, in the middle of my sleep, a loud voice very clearly said,
I kid you not. Voices in the night and everything.
Not me, but it looks nice doesn't it? |
So I started this blog, and called it WriterYogini - now you know why that's my url. I wrote essays that related philosophical aspects of yoga to real daily life events. No one came to read, it was just me, writing about yoga.
Aslo not me, but it could be |
Writing about yoga here on my Secret Blog helped me get back in the swing of writing regularly. After a while, it was time to reverse my priorities. I buckled down and finished my book, found an agent, and re-directed the focus of my blog toward writing and book promotion. I actively pursued followership, because I knew that I needed to create a presence for when the book later came out.
But a funny thing happened along the way. I realized that I don't much enjoy writing ABOUT writing. I like it when we just talk about life and the goings on of life. I'm happier just being me and I have observed that when we just talk about the stuff of life, we both have a much better time. Writing is a big part of my life, but it's not my
whole life. I think that's where the yoga has helped me understand the concept of finding balance.
There are times, like last fall, when it was important to promote and talk about my book. That's a reality and I'm comfortable with it. And this fall, I'll be doing that again.
I hope you can stand it :-)
I'm the one with the red hair ;-) |
The point though, is that my blog has
evolved from personal yoga journal, to writer-developing- followership, to gal-who-happens-to-be-a-writer just chatting with a bunch of great friends! I'm not out there trying to gobble up followers, I'm just delighted to have these conversations with those who enjoy stopping by.
So, thinking of those who are struggling with the direction of their blogs, or whether or not keeping them going is worth it, I think the problem is that the blog has become a "have to." Any time you feel like you HAVE to do something, it's become work, and when it becomes work it's not so much FUN!
I think that the more we stay with just being who we are and sharing that in a sincere way, it won't matter if we don't post for a few days, or if our latest post wasn't all that fabulous. Our friends will still be there and they'll grant us a ho-hum post because they know they'll probably have a few of those too, and they'll want reciprocal forgiveness. And, who knows, tomorrow's post may be brilliant! (Hey - no promises!)
So, I'm just glad you're all out there and that we share stories together. What does
your blog mean to you?