I am in a place called limbo,
where it seems like nothing
is happening and yet,
I have a feeling that somehow,
everything is happening
and I just haven't gotten
the memo,
and suddenly, sometime soon,
will be the same,
like when
the Berlin Wall came down
and we never saw it coming.
If I knew that I would die today,
or soon,
I would not worry about
where to live, or
the view from my window,
or the fallen branches in the yard,
or money.
I would let it be all right
to watch the birds at the feeder,
and talk to them, and thank them
for coming, to pick up the branches
and lay them gently in a pile
at the side of the yard,
and go down to the sea,
take off my shoes, and walk
barefoot in the sand, even though
it is February,
and say
thank you, thank you, thank you,
for everything.
There is something delicious
in yearning, in longing,
in that slightly discontented,
slightly tingly impatience
that is anticipation.
So often I have tried to soothe -
even to extinguish -
my longing
with getting, having,
achieving, going,
doing -
only to find myself
missing the anticipation
and yearning
to yearn
Last night the wind roared
like the ocean
and we lost power and I feared
for the house to go cold
and pipes to freeze and
all manner of catastrophes to follow,
and prayed for the wind to die down, while
memories of a different storm welled up,
one that pounded for hours and
nearly took our roof,
and anxious thoughts swirled and
made my heart catch on every beat
as I repeated please stop, please stop,
but the house was solid against the wind
and we huddled beneath extra blankets
for warmth and then, suddenly,
the light came on and, finally, I slept.
It's morning now and the sun
is shining and the wind still
roaring but not as threatening
as in the dark of night,
and a squirrel just scampered
through the front yard
with a mouthful of oak leaves
and the birds are at the feeder
as if nothing has happened at all
want to walk
in bare feet
through coarse, thick sand
I want to breathe cool salt air
and feel warm sunshine caress
my face, my body shifting
deliciously between
cool, warm,
warm, cool
I want to delight
in the antics
of gulls who
mistakenly think
I might feed
their sly approach
and side-eye glances
as if I can't see them
sneaking up on me
I want
the rhythm of waves
to lull me to sleep
in my beach chair
and all knowledge
of the world is
gone and gone and gone
When the sun comes out
it can feel like
all the lights
have been turned
back on
Awaken this morning
to a snowy landscape
Open your senses and go outside
Smell the crisp scent of silence
Taste the cold on your tongue
Breathe in the beauty through your eyes
Feel the earth's contented sigh
Hear its joy as it receives
Mother Nature's gift
What if I greeted
this day with a smile
and the belief that
something wonderful
will happen
instead of this frown
and a mind busy
with thoughts of
how to ward off
all the things that
might go wrong?
I cannot guarantee
that there will not be
I cannot say that
it will not rain on
my picnic
or that
tears will not flow
But I do know that today
there is
love and friendship
kindness and caring
laughter and sharing
music and dancing
and it is up to
me to open up
the door
and let
it in