What if I greeted
this day with a smile
and the belief that
something wonderful
will happen
instead of this frown
and a mind busy
with thoughts of
how to ward off
all the things that
might go wrong?
What if I greeted
this day with a smile
and the belief that
something wonderful
will happen
instead of this frown
and a mind busy
with thoughts of
how to ward off
all the things that
might go wrong?
I cannot guarantee
that there will not be
I cannot say that
it will not rain on
my picnic
or that
tears will not flow
But I do know that today
there is
love and friendship
kindness and caring
laughter and sharing
music and dancing
and it is up to
me to open up
the door
and let
it in
I like to travel -
places I've dreamed of
since small, to see
and do and learn
but there is nothing in
this world that I love more
than to awaken
in a place that is
deeply familiar
a place not just that
I call home
but that
calls me home
Peggy's Cove 2012
To be able to move is a gift
to have to move can be a chore
moving, moving, moving
forward, back, side to side
dancing, weaving,
walking, stretching,
I want to be able
to both move freely
and also stay put
is that so much to ask?
It's okay to
break down every
once in a while
to say it's too much
because it is too much
whatever it is
no matter how it
compares to what
anyone else is doing
it's your too much
and it's okay to
feel that
I do my best
I make a choice
I second-guess
and hear a voice
you've gone astray
and now you're lost
won't find your way
you'll pay the cost
I close my eyes
and take a breath
my body sighs
it's like a death
I do my best
and that is all
that I can do,
God, take the ball
I'm trusting you
I feel the circle closing,
the tips of the lines nearly
touching now to form a
perfect ring and not
a meandering squiggle,
coming full circle,
as they say
and I am wondering,
when the ends meet
and the circle closes,
does that mean it's over?
Or is there a surge
of power as
the energy at last
flows unimpeded
and I, finally,
once we were young
we rode our bikes
and swam wild
we hoped and dreamed
and imagined love
and a life with purpose
a whole lifetime later
the sound of bagpipes
soars across the snow
and echoes off the stones
a plaque on a marble box
inscribed with a name
and sprinkled with holy water
a moment of silent prayer
Dear Andy,
we shared ourselves
for what seemed then like forever
because a lifetime seemed so long
but now seems like just a moment
no one knew us like we knew us
thank you for being my friend
Japanese Tea Garden, San Antonio, Texas
May 2012
you have a right to love
what you love.
you matter.
you belong.
you do not have to apologize
for wanting what you what
you do not have to grovel
or beg for forgiveness
you do not have to try
so hard
just show up
and love what you love
you matter.
you belong.
I am just a caretaker
I own nothing
or at least
whatever I think
I own
is really just
on loan
I will take
good care
of what has been
entrusted to me
for this
little while that
I am here
It can seem
like nothing is
the changes you
long for
never arriving
but then,
you are
on the move
and you don't
even know
how it happened.
When I was young
I had a friend -
a best friend -
which is something
much more than
just a friend,
because we shared
the best of who
we were and
who we
might become
Do you worry
that you missed the tide
that would have made
your life the way
it was supposed to be
and now all is lost
because once the tide has
gone it will never
come again?
Go to the sea
and watch the tide
roll in
and out
and again
and again
and again
You are not meant
to ride every wave
and you can't know
which wave is the
one that lifts you up
or the one that knocks you
but the tide
keeps sending
you waves
and any time you like
you can simply
choose to
dive in
and ride
Do not stop dreaming
just because you
have grown older,
or weary
Sit quietly
and feel your breath
wash through you
you breath in
invite your dreams
to show themselves
and notice what
feelings come
That's how
you will know
which dreams
are meant
for you
you breathe out
set free
an old dream
that no longer
Yesterday it snowed
and I awoke in the night
worried about shoveling
the drive and slipping
on ice
but this morning
the squirrels are
chasing each other
around the tree trunks
like children playing tag
and I think
they have
the right
Every thought
is not
a poem
and every photo
is not
a magazine cover
it's about
showing up
I have been
for a place
but I realized
that I have been
for a feeling
of something
but just beyond
my reach
When I was small
I found tiny violets
peaking out from the
vines that grew
by the side of the road
and I don't
know that I
have ever been
quite so delighted
by anything
Hubbard's Cove, Nova Scotia 2012
My soul
is a
secret garden
that I must tend
so that
it will bloom
even in winter
looks black and white
and I could feel sad
and melancholy
But I picture
and roots,
beneath the soil,
gathering strength
from the earth
and imagine that
I, too,
am a bulb,
or a root,
invisibly renewing
my energy
so that I can
bloom again.
Bourne Farm, Falmouth, Massachusetts 2012
Today the sky is gray
and the wind bites at my cheeks
Even the birds have not ventured out
I take wisdom in that
that I do not have to make progress
every day
Today, I can go back inside
and rest
Bass Harbor, Acadia National Park, Maine 2014
Doubt creeps in
What if I am
going the wrong way?
Should I
Keep going?
Go left? Or right?
Turn back?
Look around
Simply choose
There are no wrong roads.
Look behind
See the footprints
already in your wake
A path begun.
Look ahead
You are on your way
Don't think
Just step
You're in
Next step
Don't think
Just step
Path begins
(Breathe in, Breathe out)