Today the sky is gray
and the wind bites at my cheeks
Even the birds have not ventured out
I take wisdom in that
that I do not have to make progress
every day
Today, I can go back inside
and rest
Today the sky is gray
and the wind bites at my cheeks
Even the birds have not ventured out
I take wisdom in that
that I do not have to make progress
every day
Today, I can go back inside
and rest
Doubt creeps in
What if I am
going the wrong way?
Should I
Keep going?
Go left? Or right?
Turn back?
Look around
Simply choose
There are no wrong roads.
Look behind
See the footprints
already in your wake
A path begun.
Look ahead
You are on your way
Don't think
Just step
You're in
Next step
Don't think
Just step
Path begins
(Breathe in, Breathe out)